PLEASE READ THIS FILE COMPLETELY DETROIT VER. 2.1 UPDATE JULY 28, 1994 Files included in this patch IDATA00.BIN BDDATA00.BIN BLVL.BIN COLNAM.BIN COMPNAME.BIN CONFIG.BAT CONSULT.BIN CONVERT.EXE DESIDATA.BIN DET001.EXE DETCFG00.BAK DETFX5.VOC DETGAME0.BIN DETGAME1.BIN DETOFF00.BIN DETV20.EXE END_GAME.EXE EVENT0.BIN EVENT1.BIN EVENT10.BIN EVENT11.BIN EVENT12.BIN EVENT13.BIN EVENT2.BIN EVENT3.BIN EVENT4.BIN EVENT5.BIN EVENT6.BIN EVENT7.BIN EVENT8.BIN EVENT9.BIN FLEANIM.BIN FULL01.BIN FULL02.BIN FULL03.BIN FULL04.BIN GHOST.BIN MARKMODD.BIN MEDIAREV.BIN MENUDATA.BIN MENUHELP.BIN MESSDATA.BIN MISCDATA.BIN MODPRESS.BIN NAME0.BIN NAME1.BIN NAME2.BIN NAME3.BIN NAME4.BIN NAME5.BIN NAME6.BIN NAME7.BIN NAME8.BIN PRINTER.BIN PUBLICAT.BIN README.TXT REVIEW.BIN RPTHEAD.BIN SUBSDATA.BIN YEARDATA.BIN This update fixes all known problems in Detroit, and adds complete modem play. CONVERT.EXE NOTE: The patch installation will attempt to run the Convert Program automatically. You can assume that it completed successfully unless you receive an error message. This program will update any of your save games so that they will work with this updated version of Detroit. To update your saved games, simply type CONVERT and press . This will update all saved games in the Detroit directory. (Note: this file must be in the Detroit directory for it to work.) Note: the patch installation will attempt to automatically convert any save games in the current path. BE AWARE THAT IT WILL NOT PROPERLY CONVERT GAMES SUFFERING FROM THE "PHANTOM" WORKER BUG DESCRIBED BELOW. Try if you like, but these games may continue to exhibit random behavior - possibly quite differently from the original problem. CONFIG.BAT Abrupt modem disconnection may damage the detcfg.bin file, which records information on your modem, sound card and printer setup. If this happens, type CONFIG and press enter. This will create a fresh configuration file. You will then need to set the information up again. MODEM PLAY The modem play portion of the Detroit is turn based, like the regular game. Each player must take his or her turn and then hit the Month End icon. When both players have completed a month, each machine must send information to the other before the next month can begin. When a player has clicked on the Month End icon, a message will be sent to the other player's computer. This message will show up on the tool bar (below the money that you have in your checking account) in green and will stay there until that player clicks on Month End. Bugs fixed in this version: -"PHANTOM" WORKERS On some machines, idle assembler or technician lines would occasionally increase to 255 workers, immediately driving labor costs for the player through the roof. This will no longer happen. -GAME END CRASH The first version of the game sometimes crashed when hitting "MONTH END" in December of 2006. -FOUR DESIGNS On some machines, when a player created four cars of the same type (e.g. sedan), demand would unaccountably drop. This will no longer happen. -INTEREST STOPS The first version of the game did not always accrue interest correctly after the savings account went over $1,000,000,000. -ACCOUNT OVERFLOW The first version of the game would state that no money was available after the checking account topped $1,000,000,000,000. -LOAN CUTOFF The AI would not allow loans over $1,000,000,000. If the player asked for more, a lesser amount would be given. -PROFIT REPORT If more than $1,000,000,000 in profits were achieved, the profit report graph would display incorrect data and could crash the game if the player clicked on the bar. -MANUAL ERROR It states in the manual that when your Technicians discover a new tech level, they will notify you. In fact, you need to refer to the research menu for any information regarding new levels of tech. *************** MODEM & NULL MODEM PLAY *********************** INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEM AND NULL MODEM PLAY: From the startup menu, select the modem option. This will open the modem menu. When in the modem menu, you must set the appropriate baud rate, comm port and link type (null modem or actual modem). Click on the command button to toggle between Master and Slave modes. One machine must be the Master and the other must be the Slave (For Null Modem players, after you have selected who will be the Master and who the Slave, you can both click on the Connect button). The player on the Slave machine can then go ahead and press the connect button and await the connection from the Master machine. (The Slave machine will time out in 4 minutes.) The player on the Master machine should then type in the Slave machine's phone number. The Master machine's player can then press the Connect button to dial the Slave machine's phone number. Setting up the game: Once connected, you have the choice of starting a new game or loading a saved game. To start a new game, click on the Start button. It is the responsibility of the Master machine to set up the companies' names and starting territories for both players. Saving a game in modem play: The Master machine is the only machine that can save a game. To save a game, click on the Disk icon or go to the filing cabinet in the Administration office, just like normal. Loading a game in modem play: The saved game MUST reside in the Master machine's save games slot. After the connection has been established, click on the load game option from the Start and Load option box. CHAT MODE: A Chat function exists that will allow you to chat with your opponent over the modem. To open a chat window, simply press the F3 key. A dialog window will appear where you can type and receive messages. If a message has been sent, the word CHAT MAIL will appear above the dialog window on the tool bar notifying the other player that a message is waiting in the chat queue. Function keys to operate chat mode : [F3] = Enter chat mode. [Enter] = Send a message. [Ins] = Receive a new message. [Del] = Clear your old message. [Esc] = Quit chat mode. ***** NEWS! EXTRA GAME FEATURES! READ THIS, DON'T IGNORE IT!!! ***** Several features were added to the game after it shipped, and a couple were modified. Here are the details, plus some clarifications of existing, unchanged rules. In order to print this file: 1) Turn on your printer. 2) Change into the directory that you installed DETROIT to. So, if you installed DETROIT into the default directory, type CD\DETROIT 3) Type PRINT README.TXT DIFFICULTY OPTIONS After you select the START option, you will see the DIFFICULTY MENU. This gives you several levels of difficulty at which you can play the game. When following the TUTORIAL, select the MEDIUM difficulty button. SOUND EFFECTS On slower machines, playing sound effects may slow the game further, so you may wish to turn sound effects off. Also, AdLib samples play the quickest, so owners of AdLib compatible cards (e.g. SoundBlasters), may wish to use the SETUP program, and choose AdLib as their sound card. STRIKE RESOLUTION MENU If your workers go on strike due to low wages, you will be presented with the Strike Resolution Menu. This presents you with the workers' wage demands and a box for you to make a counter offer. If the workers accept the offer, you have avoided a strike. If not they strike, and will produce nothing that month. The Strike Resolution Menu will return every month until the strike is resolved. WORLD WAR I, THE GREAT DEPRESSION, WORLD WAR II, OIL CRISIS During the World Wars, the Depression and the 1970's oil crisis, the Demand for your automobiles will fall drastically, so don't be surprised by sudden cuts in profit. AUTOMATION & WAGES The amount which you pay each assembler reflects not only their actual salary, but also all of the equipment which you have in your factory for them to use, so they may seem high. Also, over time, each factory you own will become more and more efficient. This reflects the effect of modernized equipment and automation. However, this modern hardware will cost you: the amount you pay per assembler will rise steadily, over and above inflation. PUBLIC DOMAIN TECHNOLOGY Technology becomes publicly available if three (3) companies have developed it not two (2). UPDATING MODELS When you Update an existing model, any existing stock will be converted into stock of the new model. For this, you will be charged a fee equal to twice the difference in the Material Costs between the old and new model. MODEL'S OVERALL RATING AND MATERIAL COST On the top left hand side of the Car Design screen, you will now see the Model's Overall Rating and Material Cost. BODY BUTTON The BODY Button, to the right of the TYPE Button, represents the FOUR basic body styles available for your car designs. BUY BUTTON If you wish, you may now buy a car design from a design team outside of your company. This will cost a substantial amount. To do this, use the BUY button, at the top left corner of the Car Design screen. BODY TECHNOLOGY LEVELS As you research new Body Technology Levels you will be able to design new types of cars, such as Compacts. CHECKING & SAVINGS In the Banking Menu, the CHECK button moves money from your Savings to your Checking account. The SAVE button does the opposite. These were reversed in the manual. LOANS In order to change the TERM of your loan, you must FIRST change the Term to the length you wish, and then request the loan. Once a loan has been taken, there can be no negotiating a new Term. MEGA-MENU A new Menu has been added to the game. It combines all the menus in the Sales & Factory screen into one. Once you become comfortable with the Menus in the Sales & Factory screen, you may find this one to be quicker. Because of the number of buttons on this screen, it was impossible to include any keyboard hot keys, so you will need a mouse to use it. STOP BUTTON On the left side of the Factory Menu is the STOP button. This will free all workers on a line, and clear the Model being produced by that line. To use the button, highlight the line you wish to affect, and hit the STOP button. CLOSING SALES OFFICE & FACTORIES Closing a Sales Office or Factory earns you money. A Sales office that is Closed will generate $2,500, while a Factory that is Lowered will generate 1/3 of what it would cost you to buy that factory. SUBSYSTEM REPORT GRAPH The Subsystem Graph represents Technology currently being INCLUDED in a production vehicle and not those Technologies that have been developed but not incorporated in a production vehicle. PRINTING REPORTS You may only print reports that have a printer icon below the exit report button. This includes all written reports, but not the Graph reports. NUMBER PAD In order to use the Number Pad on your keyboard, you must have the NUMLOCK key activated. We hope you like the changes we've made and enjoy the modem play. If you experience any more problems please feel free to contact us at (617)225-0848.